Wow! The worlds longest head line ever, ha ha.
So I made this magical little creation on Saturday night. I tend to eat a bit more vegetarian and a bit more cheesy dishes when Rob's not at home ;)
This dish isn't just good looking it's very tasty as well. I love the saltiness of the halloumi combined with the sweetness of the pumpkin. Yum!
To make enough for 2 people you need -
200 g of pumpkin
1 small aubergine
225 g of halloumi cheese (I used light)
Baby Spinach
1/2 can of chopped tomatoes
1 garlic
Fresh parsley
Salt, pepper, paprika, chili
Pre-heat your oven to 200 degrees, slice your pumpkin in to quite thin slices sprinkle with salt, pepper and paprika and cook in oven until soft. Whilst your pumpkin is cooking slice your aubergine in to slices about 1 cm thick. Chop up your garlic and pan fry in olive oil, add your spinach, chopped tomatoes, parsley and chili flakes and cook on low heat until soft.
Once your pumpkin is soft fry your aubergine in a griddle pan, once soft put to the side and use the same pan to fry your thinly sliced halloumi.
Now start building your tower - 1. pumpkin 2. spinach 3. aubergine 4. halloumi and continue for as high as you like!
Världens längsta överskrift idag, haha.Så jag lagade den magiska lilla kreationen i lördags. Det blir ofta lite mer vegetarianskt och ostigt när Rob inte är hemma ;)
Denna rätten är inte bara fin för ögat utan den smakar superb också! Älskar hur sältan utav halloumin liksom kommer ihop sig med sötman utan pumpan. Yum!
Jag ger er gärna recpetet på svenska såklart, bara hojta till med e-post som jag kan skicka det till!