Saturday, 18 January 2014

Perfect smoothie

This is how you make a perfect smoothie!

Såhär fixar du en perfect smoothie!

Please share your best smoothie recipes with me darlings

Picture courtesy of Whole Foods 

Friday, 17 January 2014

Holiday Fitness

I know when you go on holiday you just wanna forget all about work, cooking, gym and all those chores we do every day. However keeping fit whilst on holiday can be a lot of fun.  When I was away I didn't exercise like I do at home but I did do a lot of pre-breakfast walks/runs on the beach, yoga and even visited the (very small but better than nothing) gym at the hotel a few times. 
 I also played bat and ball until my arm started aching. It's so much fun!
I really didn't stress to much about not doing the same amount of training as I normally do. Your body deserves a break now and then, just make sure you are not taking it to far.
Do you try to keep fit whilst on holiday? If so, what do you do?

Jag vet att när man åker iväg på semester vill man bara glömma allt med jobb, matlagning, träning och alla dagliga måsten. Men att hålla sig i form under semestern behöver inte vara tråkigt. När jag var iväg blev det en hel promenader/springturer före frukost, yoga och några besök på (litet-men-bättre-än-inget) gymmet på hotellet. 
Jag spelade också strandtennis tills armen värket, det är så kul! 
Tack vare detta kunde jag verkigen njuta av semestern och inte stressa över all missad träning. Din kropp behöver ett break då och då men se till att hålla det på en lagom nivå.
Brukar du träna när du är på semester? Om ja, hur då?

Thursday, 16 January 2014


The feeling of finally being home after 30 hours of travelling was pure joy! Relaxing, stretching and tea drinking is what's been going on during the afternoon.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is doing nothing <3

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


I'm so sorry for the lack of updates but the internet at the hotel hasn't been working for the last five days. Holiday is almost over but first I'm spending one night in Bangkok. Will have fast speed internet in the hotel so will do a post about holiday fitness when I'm there. Stay tuned!